Long after the second Link had died, we are back in Hyrule. The land of Hyrule had declined terribly since Ganon's defeat, and there remained few signs of it's earlier glory. The land was overrun, and Ganon was to blame. Ever since the second Link had gone off to sea and never returned, Ganon had been ressurected somehow and had been plauging Hyrule terribly. Somehow, the Triforce had been split up into three pieces, and with each one, a seperate essence of the gods went with it: Courage, Wisdom, and Power. There is no tale told as to how that happened, or as to how Ganon got a hold of the Triforce of Power. Perhaps there was a fierce struggle, each army winning a piece of the Triforce. No one knows. All we do know is that Ganon has tha Triforce of Power, and was using it to strengthen his army and conquer Hyrule. When Princess Zelda discovered that Ganon had aquired a piece of the Triforce, she broke the part that she had, the Triforce of Wisdom, into eight sections and hid them. She knew that a hero was needed to challenge and destroy Ganon, so she sent her nurse, Impa, out to search the land for such a person. Soon after, Ganon captured Zelda.
During her quest, Impa long evaded the evil clutches of Ganon and his army, but in the forest glades she too even fell into his iron clutches and would have also been carried off if not for the heroic actions young traveler, whose name, ironically, was Link (a different Link than the one in Zelda 3 and 4, and 5). Once the villians had been driven away, Impa told Link of Zelda's secret. Then, unable to hold back the tears any longer, Impa told Link of how the Princess had been kidnapped by Ganon. No sooner had Link heard the tale, he vowed to put a stop to Ganon's tyranny and save Princess Zelda. He set off at once, knowing only that he had to collect the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom. At every turn in every path he met monsters of Ganon that challenged him in battle and tried to stop Link dead in his tracks. But Link kept on fighting. Perhaps he was even a greater fighter than the Link that had defeated Agahnim many, many years ago.
Link's first task was to find the eight hidden dungeons where Zelda had secretly hidden pieces of the divided Triforce. Most of the enterances were hidden, and only using the scraps of hints and clues that Link picked up along his journey was he able to find them. And even then, inside the dungeons, he met countless enemies, for Ganon's searching was so large that they infested even the most remote corners of the dungeons. However, they did not know that Zelda had hidden pieces of the Triforce in there, so Link, after much searching, found them exactly where Zelda had left them.
After countless adventures, Link had recovered all eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom. Then, he scaled Death Mountian, where Ganon's fortress was. He entered Spectacle Rock, the actual fortress, and gasped at the size of the dungeon. It dwarfed anything that Link had ever come across in his entire life. After fierce fights, Link entered a heavily-guarded chamber. Inside was the legendary Silver Arrow, the same one that the second Link had used to get rid of Ganon many years before. Then, taking his prize, he traced his way through the maze until he came acoss Ganon himself. The battle between the youthful foe and the mighty villian raged and stormed across the chamber. Though Link fought valliantly, his puny sword was no match for the mighty wizard. The cuts inflicted by it barely fazed Ganon, who was careful to stay completely invisable. But suddenly, Link got a lucky blow with his sword. "His sword... I am paralyzed..." Ganon muttered. "Alas, the Enchanted Arrow!" Ganon was heard screaming as the youth tried another weapon. The bowstring sang and the arrow flew straight. Ganon was destroyed.
With the heroic defeat of Ganon, Link's purpose for coming here returned to his mind. One chamber was left unexplored. Link, upon entering, was greeted by Princess Zelda, and the Triforce of Wisdom and Power were reunited once more.