
February 4th, 2002

Jake Davis writes: da*m it, i fell down

Ice: Sorry to hear that ... bet it happens a lot.

The Running Man writes: did you even try to get the triforce? i told you how......

Ice: No, sorry.

Mike McCue writes: It's nice to see the older sites coming back and gaining new life. The newer sites are flashy, but they lack the connectivity between the webmasters and the readers that the time-tested classics have. Good luck with rebuilding.

Ice: Sadly, it appears that IZC is one of the only sites left from the "good ol days". There are a few sites out there that have been around for two years or more, but none from 1997 or 1998. Since TGL, Z64, ZHQ, and HTLOZ are all gone and "presumed dead", out of all our old buddies, we're the only ones hanging around still.

StarSeeker: What's the latest on the new Zelda?

Ice: The latest news we have is a delay ... which isn't surprising but sucks nonetheless. We're gonna have to wait until mid-late 2003.

Martin Bakker writes: Stop printing my e-mails you wedgie.

Ice: Ok.